Darla Nekorchuk (Children's Ministry)
Jennifer Aponte (Staff Parish Relations Team)
Haylee Fiske (Youth Representative)
Eric Ringdahl (Lay leader)
Deb Ringdahl (Wellness Team)
Beckie Preston (Recording Secretary)
Dave Larson (Custodian & Facilities)
Josephine McElrath (Staff Parish Relations Team)
Melissa Pisco (Pastor)
I am...
a beloved child of God, daughter, sister and mother.
I love...
Jesus, elephants, the arts and nature.
I'm grateful for...
God's grace and mercy, The Beloveds, the congregations I serve and the promise of resurrection.
a beloved child of God, daughter, sister and mother.
I love...
Jesus, elephants, the arts and nature.
I'm grateful for...
God's grace and mercy, The Beloveds, the congregations I serve and the promise of resurrection.
Danny Herring-Battle (Music Director)
Worship is a time for people to come together and to focus on God. I feel blessed to be able to facilitate that connection. I love that worship can be a powerful force for good in people's lives. My goal is to help us all experience God's love and grace.I love looking for and arranging music that will be most meaningful to the congregation. I love how music connects me to God and to people.